California LMFT Clinical Exam Test Bank


This bank contains two full-length (170-item) mock exams for the California LMFT Clinical Exam. Exams are structured based on the current Exam Plan. 150 items are scored, and 20 are non-scored items.

Each exam is administered via computer, and like the real thing, you have 4 hours to complete it.

After completing the exam, you'll receive a report with full details on your performance, including subscale scoring and complete rationales for each item. 

You may attempt each exam up to a total of 3 times.

Note that if you are enrolled in the Ben Caldwell Labs California LMFT Clinical Exam Prep course, these mock exams are included in your program; you don't need to purchase this as an add-on.

Access to this bank is available for 90 days after your purchase. We do not offer enrollment extensions for test banks.